
Intoximancy: A boozy wizard subclass for 5e

Created by Steve Conley

Your guide to becoming a drunken master of the mystic arts! Plus new spells, items, and creatures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Another Stretch Goal unlocked! Intoximancy preview: The Beard of Holding!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 10:33:56 AM

We've unlocked another stretch goal and we're already more than half way to unlocking the next one: More Magic Spells!

And speaking of magic...

Here's a sneak peek at one of the Intoximancy magic items: The Beard of Holding!

(again, these sneak peeks don't represent the layout of the Intoximancy book - it's just for sharing online)
I'll be adding the note that the Beard of Holding's color changes to seamlessly match the character's hair color.

And here are two more fantastic campaigns for 5e worth checking out...

Inventory of Improving Items looks great! I've always wanted a way to improve magic items in 5e and it's one of the reasons why Intoximamcer's flagons get better as they level up. The Inventory of Improving Items is an entire supplement full of such items! And cursed items too! I've backed the campaign and am excited to see the magic they've cooked up!

Tomb - A Dungeon Crawl For 5e has got such a classic, old-school feel! I love everything about it! I'm getting flashbacks to the early White Wolf, Polyhedron, and Dragon magazines! I'm thrilled their campaign is doing so well.

Thank you again for your amazing support!

-- Steve

I'll drink to that!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 10:33:41 AM

 I can't believe we hit the goal in less than two hours! 

Thank you for jumping on board so quickly! I'm stunned!

I'm so excited that this project is going to happen and the next few stretch goals are going to make the Intoximancy zine and hardcover even better with thicker paper, more magic items, and other perks.

If you know any other 5e players who might be interested, let them know! I would love for Intoximancers to invade campaigns everywhere! :D

Keep your fingers crossed, employ your Divine Interventions, and use your Lucky feat rerolls in the hopes that the Kickstarter Deities decide to grant this campaign the "Project We Love" designation. That would bring a lot more people along. 

 A sneak peek at one of the Intoximancy spells...

Here's a look at Cheers! This cantrip ticks all my boxes: it's potent (eating up an enemy's reaction - goodbye opportunity attacks, counterspell, shield, etc...), it's got panache, and it's a lot of fun. 

 (Please note that this is not the actual page design - this is more of a social-media-friendly shape). Also bear in mind that this is a work in progress and particulars may change.  Comments and feedback are welcome, especially from backers! So far, this spell is getting raves (97% upvote) in the dndHomeBrew subreddit...

You can also join the chat on my Discord server - it's a fairly new community... nice and low-key...

On the drawing board...

The next monster I'll be illustrating is the mighty Tankard! I'll be livestreaming the art tomorrow (Thursday) from 4pm-8pm ET live on Twitch. Please stop by!

Thank you again! :D

-- Steve

Two stretch goals unlocked! A sneak peek! And some Kickstarters worth checking out!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 10:27:58 AM

These past few days have been amazing!

116 backers and two stretch goals unlocked!

Intoximancy will now feature more magic items and the print versions will have upgraded paper!

First two stretch goals unlocked!

Plus a new stretch goal has been revealed - vinyl stickers featuring the logo of My Prancing Pony: Alcohol is Magic, one of the least worst taverns in the town of Gaffe!

An Intoximancy sneak peek...

Here's a look at the preliminary stats for the Tankard, one of the flagonborn featured in the book...

(this is a social-media shaped preview and not the actual page design)

Here are some other Kickstarters I'm excited about...

The Sundering campaign is going gangbusters - it's even been selected as a Project We Love by Kickstarter. The Sundering is a massive 5e setting and the art is lovely. I don't know the primary creative team but I've known one of its editors, John Pence, for a while and he's been a supporter of my comic The Middle Age. John's a nice guy and this is a great-looking project! 

The Oddity Offprint is the brainchild of Dan Taylor. Dan was my editor back when I was drawing Star Trek comics for IDW. Nowadays, Dan is the Dungeon Master of Catacombs and Comedians which is live D&D in comedy clubs with comedians as the players. Dan has built a mini-monster-manual of the bizarre creatures from his live games and, as of this writing, this Kickstarter just needs a little more love to cross the finish line...

Speaking of monsters, Silly Monsters is an ambitious 5e project featuring hundreds of creatures for 5e. I love the tagline "Your players will die laughing!" The concepts are fun and I like the illustrations. One of the project's creators reached out to me after I launched Intoximancy and we're sharing links. Give it a look!

Thank you so much for your amazing support! 

-- Steve

Another stretch goal unlocked: More Magic Spells! Next up: the Intoximancy coaster!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 08:44:57 AM

Over the weekend, the campaign reached $7k and now Intoximancy will have more pages and more monsters! Which means I have more art to make! :)

I also worked up an initial design for the Intoximancy drink coasters! We're on track to unlock the next stretch goal and when we do, each backer of the physical book tiers will get one of these coasters included with their loot! Here's a look...

A mockup of the design. The smaller text reads: "An unaccredited school of magic - no refunds" and "Please use magic responsibly"

I've worked with this vendor to make drink coasters before and they do excellent work.

The plan for Thursday...

The campaign wraps up Thursday at 10pm ET and I'll be livestreaming starting at 4pm ET on Twitch. I hope you can join me! 

Thank you again for supporting this Kickstarter! I can't wait for you to start leveling up your own intoximancers!

-- Steve